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Where's the frame

Maribelle Bierens

November 15, 2023 3:28 PM


‍You can now visit Theresa Weber’s work in three different institutions at the same time: Somerset House in London, Museum van Bommel van Dam in the Netherlands and Kunstmuseum Bochum in Germany. 

Somerset House, United Kingdom:

From June until February of next year, you can visit Theresa’s large installation, CYCLES OF UNMASKING, at the Stamp Stairs of the South Wing at Somerset House. Diving down the vertical passageway of the building, Theresa's work is an intervention of the colonial history of the institution. In a non-hierarchical way, the piece is embedded with references to mythologies, Caribbean Carnival, and medicinal plants. In this way, she found a way to be critical of Somerset’s history of colonialism while also uncovering the potential for healing to be contained within them.

Theresa Weber, Cycles of Unmasking, 2023. 

Museum van Bommel van Dam, the Netherlands:

You can also see Theresa’s work in the south of the Netherlands, at the Museum van Bommel van Dam in Venlo. As part of the institution's art prize VBVD, 2023 Mosaic and Ishtar Wall, are exhibited next to Christy Westhovens with Microcosm (2022), Donja Nasseri with Woman, who would be King (2020-). Before the award ceremony, the nominees decided to share the prize between with the three of them. As Theresa has said: ‘We all struggle with competitive situations like this, where artists are being compared to each another in their individuality. We wanted to prioritise equal opportunities and making a community oriented statement: Competition sucks and sisterhood rules.’

Theresa Weber, Mosaic & Ishtar Wall, 2021

Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany:

Lastly, from the 17th of November, you can also see Theresa’s work at Kunstmuseum Bochum, where her work is presented as part of the anniversary exhibition titled 'Our house is a very very very fine house.' This exhibition, running from November 18, 2023, to April 28, 2024, marks the 40th anniversary of the museum building designed by Danish architects Jørgen Bo & Vilhelm Wohlert. The piece, On good terms with the Goddesses is presented on flagpoles outside of the museum. The large-scale fabric piece portrays four hybrid Goddesses named Nemesis, Kali, Okoshun and Ishtar who represent beauty, femininity, fertility, rage, anger, destruction of injustice and the cycle of life. About this piece, Theresa explains “Coming from four different cultures and times, they are connected through these similar narratives and characteristics. Their historic stone sculptures are collaged and printed on flags which are woven together through fabric threads creating a dynamic weaving, an open fragmented anti-flag, a network of common sense, hope, protection and connection.”

Theresa Weber, On good terms with the Goddesses, 2023.

You can follow Theresa Weber on Instagram.